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  Use the power of hypnosis & NLP to
Stop Smoking in One Hour!
Stop Smoking in Just One Hour! Imagine being free from the clutches of cigarettes forever. Imagine breathing easier, feeling healthy and being proud of yourself for achieving something that most smokers only ever dream of - being a happy non-smoker...
Stop Smoking in One Hour Using Hypnosis
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Lose Weight the Easy Way!
Lose Weight Easily Now! Have you struggled to lose weight and failed?  Have you tried every diet available and not been able to shed those pounds?  Read about a revolutionary new easy fat Loss and body sculpting system that will be available soon...
Lose Fat NOW!  The Easy Way...
  Liberate yourself from anxiety or phobias
Find Peace & Internal Freedom 
Lighten Your Load with Analytical Hypnotherapy Learn more about fast, permanent and effective treatment of emotional, habitual and nervous disorders using gentle and safe hypnotic therapeutic techniques...
Lighten Your Load with Analytical Hypnotherapy
  Children face many challenges
Help Ease Your Child's Anxieties
Help your Child Cope with Life There is a very special and unique therapy that can help resolve a number of issues that affect children and teenagers. It is very simple but can have dramatic results...
Help Your Child Cope With Life
Anorexic girl blown away by hypnotherapist!

Anorexic Girl Saved By HypnotherapyHow an Anorexic Girl Was Saved From the Brink of Death
An analytical hypnotherapist in Cheltenham helped a teenage girl start to win her battle with Anorexia by using a subtle but astounding method of treatment called the “Blow Away” technique.

Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that completely dominates and destroys the lives of those it affects. It tears families apart and can end in the death of the person that it overshadows. It is usually very difficult to treat by conventional methods because of the strong psychological component of the disorder.

Kylie, aged 16, [to protect the girl’s privacy we have changed her name] weighed a frightening 4 and a half stone and was rapidly going downhill before Richard Parsons (the hypnotherapist) was able to swoop in and save her life.

Rachel, Kylie’s mother called Richard in tremendous distress and dismay at her daughter’s condition. She was at her wit’s end. In her desperation she had tried every avenue – Doctors, Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Acupuncture and all the other complimentary therapies she could think of. None of them made any difference and some of them made her daughter’s condition worse rather than better.

Rachel felt so helpless and out of control as she watched her precious daughter slowly but surely slip closer to a premature, horrific death.

Then a close friend recommended Richard, having been helped by him herself. Rachel grabbed the phone and called him immediately. Miraculously Richard managed to clear a slot in his busy diary within a week because of the urgency of Rachel’s case.

Rachel had tried hypnotherapy for Kylie before now, and it had failed dismally. The other hypnotherapist had tried using suggestion therapy with Kylie but her eating disorder had been unaffected.

Richard was radically different though – he was an Analytical Hypnotherapist and specialised in resolving the cause of emotional problems, phobias and social anxieties. Not trying to cover up the symptoms and disguise them with suggestions.

Rachel and Kylie entered Richard’s waiting room feeling a little nervous and tense. They had no idea what to expect. Eventually Richard greeted them with a big warm smile. He turned out to be surprisingly nice and very ordinary. He wasn’t wearing a black cape and he didn’t dangle a pocket watch in front of their faces.

Richard stated that if this therapy did not work then there would be no charge for his services. That was Rachel’s first big shock. Richard made no promises that the therapy would be able to aid Kylie, but he was very optimistic. He explained that the Blow Away technique was easy to do and very powerful for children and teenagers and that they were very good at it.

He got Kylie comfortable on the couch and asked Rachel to sit beside her on a chair. Richard explained to Rachel that this technique involved the parents of the child too and that Rachel would be participating. This came as a bit of a surprise to Rachel as she wasn’t expecting to be hypnotised herself.

Richard explained to the pair about hypnosis, that it was just an altered state of reality. Apparently we all go in and out of hypnosis at various times of the day like while watching television, driving or reading a book. There was no magic involved.

Then he began the Blow Away technique. Richard settled both Kylie and Rachel snugly into hypnosis.

Hypnosis is just a calm and relaxed state of the mind. One of the side effects of hypnosis is that people become more sensitive to emotions and can remember things easier. It also enables them to release pent up frustrations, stresses and anguish a lot easier too.

Richard then began helping Kylie (and Rachel) to imagine themselves in certain situations and experiencing various emotions… once these emotions surfaced then they would “blow them away” by exhaling rapidly and sharply.

This particular type of therapeutic technique requires no verbalisation on the part of the clients. Both Kylie and her mother used their imaginations to face emotions that lay buried deep in the unconscious mind. When “blowing” them away the unconscious mind was able to release the tension and anxiety caused by these bottled up emotions. Without any need for the experiences to be revealed to anyone at all.

This saves the child or teenager a lot of embarrassment or discomfort as they often have extreme difficulty trying to talk to parents or authority figures about their troubles.

In less than an hour Kylie was taken through a large range of different types of emotions and blew them away, releasing them as she went.
A few private tears were shed, with no-one ever knowing what they were about.

Finally Richard emerged both mother and daughter from hypnosis. He pointed out that they probably didn’t feel hypnotised at all – which is always the first thing that people say when they come out of hypnosis. Then he talked directly to Rachel (Kylie’s mother) and said that he promised he would not ask her what she was thinking about during the session if she promised not to ask Kylie what she thought about during the session.

A blush was the only answer that was needed. Richard explained that if there was an improvement in Kylie’s condition he would expect a cheque in the post. He then kindly asked them both to leave.

Richard received a letter a few weeks later with his fee enclosed. Rachel was delighted in the change that had taken place in her daughter. Kylie had started to eat more food and had put on 14 pounds in weight in the first 2 weeks after the therapy. This was a dramatic difference and a complete change to her previous attitude to food. Kylie no longer seemed obsessed with her weight and was a lot more positive in her outlook.

This powerful Blow Away technique works with a wide variety of children’s problems including:

• Anorexia
• Bulimia
• School Phobias
• School Anxiety
• Bedwetting
• Nightmares
• Tantrums
• Anger & Frustration

And the very exciting thing about the blow away technique is that if it has no success then there’s no charge. Hundreds of children and teenagers have been helped by this incredible non-intrusive and confidential method. It has been tried and tested and refined for the last twenty years and is currently one of the main treatments used by Hypnotherapists who are members of the International Association of Hypno-Analysts.

The IAH (International Association of Hypno-Analysts) is an organisation that ensures that it’s members are well trained and are required to pass stringent examinations in order to practice under it’s banner. That means that you can have confidence that you are in safe, professional hands if you decide to take any kind of therapy with a member.

Do you have a child who is suffering from emotional challenges? If so, then it is reassuring to know that there is a safe, tried and tested method of helping them out.


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Copyright (c) 2006 Rebecca Bedford. All rights reserved.